Improve Your Life By Practicing Gratitude

Improve Your Life By Practicing Gratitude


When it comes to improving your life and mindset, one of the best things you can do is start a practicing gratitude. This is because expressing gratitude on a regular basis is one of the simplest ways to feel happier and more appreciative of all the good things you have in your life. When practiced consistently, gratitude can change your life for the better. Here are a few ways that a consistent gratitude practice can change your life:


You Become Happier Overall

The first way gratitude can help change your life is by increasing your overall happiness. The more positive you feel and the more you focus on the good things in your life, the more joy and happiness you’ll experience and express throughout each day. It’s hard to feel down and defeated for long once you’ve trained your mind to focus on the positive.


You Are Able to Handle Setbacks With More Resilience

No life is free of challenges and obstacles because these things are a normal and natural part of life. Gratitude doesn’t protect you from ever experiencing anything bad, but it does allow you to focus on the good instead. With this mindset, you won’t focus on temporary setbacks and allow them to pull you down. You know everything will be okay and that you still have so many blessings in your life. This fosters a sense of hope and optimism for the future, rather than fear and dread for what lies ahead. In turn, you become stronger and more resilient, regardless of what life throws your way.



You Learn to Appreciate the Little Things

When you first think of gratitude, you might think of the bigger or more prominent blessings in your life, such as getting a promotion at work, buying your dream home, or finding the love of your life. These are all amazing blessings, but there are also many smaller things in your everyday life that probably bring you joy, as well. With a gratitude practice, you learn to notice and appreciate everything in your life, not just the big, flashy things.


Your Health and Wellness Improves

With more happiness and contentment in your life, you may find that you focus more on your health and wellness, as well. This can give you a newfound appreciation for your mind, body, and health, in general. When you love and appreciate your life, it’s natural to want to take better care of the body that is carrying you through it.


You Feel More Confident

It is amazing how much more confident you’ll feel when you express gratitude on a regular basis. Not only will you become more grateful for external factors in your life, but you’ll start to appreciate who you are more, as well. The more time you spend being grateful for the things you love about yourself, such as your kindness, intelligence, appearance, personality, or character, the more confident you will become.


You Sleep Better

You might also notice that you sleep better when you have a regular gratitude practice. The more you focus on the good things in your life, the less meaning you’ll give to the “bad” things that cause you stress and anxiety. It is so much easier to get a good night’s sleep when your mind isn’t fixated on all the things that “could” go wrong in your life.




Your Relationships Improve

Lastly, you may notice that the important relationships in your life improve when you start practicing gratitude. The more you appreciate the people in your life, the more you will want to cherish and nurture your relationships with them.


Here are 100 Gratitude Affirmations to get you started:


    1. I am grateful for my life
    2. I am grateful I woke up today
    3. I am grateful to have a warm, comfortable bed
    4. I am grateful for the air I breathe
    5. I am grateful for the home I live in
    6. I am grateful to have stable employment
    7. I am grateful for the chance to start over
    8. I am grateful every time I wake up
    9. I am grateful every night I go to sleep
    10. I am grateful for every blessing in my life
    11. I appreciate all opportunities that come my way
    12. I am grateful for my health
    13. I am grateful for my body
    14. I am grateful for my mind
    15. I am grateful for my sense of humor
    16. I am grateful for my spirit
    17. I am grateful for my energy
    18. I am grateful for my vitality
    19. I never run out of things to be grateful for
    20. I appreciate all things in my life, big and small
    21. Every small blessing is something to be grateful for



    1. I am so grateful for my friends
    2. I appreciate every friendship in my life
    3. I am so grateful for my family
    4. I appreciate every person who crosses my path
    5. I am surrounded by love
    6. I am surrounded by supportive people
    7. My heart is open to receive love
    8. I am grateful for my memories



    1. I am eternally grateful for the God and His grace
    2. I am eternally grateful for the beauty in the world
    3. I never stop appreciating sunsets
    4. I never stop loving sunrises
    5. My life is full of joy
    6. My life is full of love
    7. My life is full of passion
    8. My life is full of friendship
    9. My life is full of laughter
    10. My life is full of comforts
    11. I am grateful for my peace
    12. I am grateful for my joy
    13. I am grateful for my lessons
    14. I am grateful for the things that didn’t work out
    15. I find good in every day
    16. I see love in every person I come across
    17. I am grateful for this life I am creating
    18. I love having my freedom
    19. I love having a choice
    20. I love being able to create my life
    21. I am grateful to be balanced
    22. I am grateful to have harmony
    23. I am grateful for all of my life experiences
    24. I believe in the power of gratitude
    25. I practice gratitude every day
    26. I always have everything I need
    27. God's grace is abundant
    28. Blessings are imminent



    1. My arms are open to new blessings
    2. There is always something new to be grateful for
    3. I am constantly surprised by my blessings
    4. I am overjoyed with all there is to be thankful for
    5. I am grateful for people’s compassion
    6. I am grateful for people’s generosity
    7. I am grateful for people’s empathy
    8. I am grateful for people’s thoughtfulness
    9. I show people how much I appreciate them
    10. I tell people how much I appreciate them
    11. I appreciate my own personal growth
    12. I am grateful for the ability to change
    13. I am grateful for the ability to grow
    14. I am grateful for the ability to evolve
    15. I embrace change in my life
    16. I am grateful for the beauty in the world
    17. I am grateful for myself
    18. I am grateful for my inner beauty
    19. I am grateful for my outer beauty
    20. I am grateful for the people who accept me
    21. I am grateful for the people who see me
    22. I am grateful for the people who love me
    23. I am grateful for who I am now
    24. I am grateful for who I am becoming
    25. I am grateful for the lessons people teach me
    26. I am grateful for the kindness of strangers
    27. I always have an attitude of gratitude



    1. I am grateful for animals
    2. I am grateful for music
    3. I am grateful for my faith
    4. I am grateful for rain
    5. I am grateful for electricity
    6. I am grateful for modern technology
    7. I am grateful to be in a clean, safe environment
    8. I am grateful for rainbows
    9. I am grateful for all the connections in my life
    10. I am grateful for all my special skills
    11. I am grateful for all my talents
    12. I am grateful for my own uniqueness
    13. I am grateful for the sun, moon, and stars
    14. I am grateful for the chance to make my life better
    15. I am grateful every day when I get to be myself
    16. I am grateful for the opportunity to appreciate my blessings

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